Wednesday 1 April 2015

Build a Bear Pyjama Review

Hi guys i'ts me and it's the Easter holidays! I've had my cousin Shannon sleep round plus I got some new Build-a-Bear pyjamas which i'm going to review for you.

I got the pyjamas on Friday the top is pink with a princess tiara on it and the bottoms are black and pink with sparkly, swirly hearts. The thing I love about them is the top because the tiara is all shimmery and has a lovely pattern around it. 

The only thing that I would change would be the trousers. I would make the trousers a bit more tighter so they don't slip off. 

This outfit is available on the Build-a-Bear website for £4. This outfit is good value for money because it's well made and well designed.

That's it for now I will be back soon with some more blog posts. If you want to see more check out my YouTube channel!


  1. Great review and brilliant choice of words to describe the material. Look forward to reading more! keep up the good work!

  2. Great review and a very lovely outfit for your funky bear!

  3. Great review, look forward to seeing some more posts about your bear :)
